Obtain any applicable diagnostic films and reports (ie. x-rays, MRI, CT scan, bone scans, discograms, EMG's) or confirm that we can obtain them electronically prior to your appointment. For the convenience of our patients, we have a special service arranged with the local hospitals (Access Sports Medicine, Androscoggin Valley Hospital, Catholic Medical Center, Concord Hospital, Elliot Hospital, Holy Family Hospital, Southern NH Medical Center and St. Joseph's Hospital). If we are given at least 48 hours notice, we can have any of your studies transmitted directly to our office from the above listed hospitals. If your studies were performed elsewhere you will need to bring a copy of the films or CD to your appointment.
In addition, if you have been treated elsewhere for this problem it is important to have that information at the time of registration. We will also need any treatment notes forwarded to us prior to your first appointment. This will enable your doctor to give you the most complete and comprehensive evaluation.
Please contact any providers that you have had relevant treatment with in advance, as it may take a few days for them to prepare the records to send over.